Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Tuesday Stuff

I realize most of us have had a laugh or two over the stupidity of our Treasonous, Tiny-Handed, Reality-Challenged Orange Dictator and his cabal of fools, frauds and crooks, but even though Number 45 gave every signal in the world that he would walk away from the Iran treaty, guess what? Shit just got real, people (and let’s keep this in mind too as we pillory the usual corporate media culprits)…

…and in a related story, Rachel Maddow reports that an Israeli “intelligence” firm was hired to smear proponents of the Iran nuke deal; typical behavior from our “ally”…and the cherry on the icing on this shit cake as far as I’m concerned is the relationship by this “Black Cube” outfit both between Harvey Weinstein trying to smear his accusers and those who support the Iran treaty (and yeah, by walking away from the deal, President Fergus Laing will make the world a much more dangerous place as a result...before the commercial break, she was referring to this, by the way)…

…and Cenk and TYT tell us how Neil Cavuto kinda sorta called out the Gropenfuhrer recently– and how funny is it when Cavuto says “Now I’m not calling you a liar…” HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

…and Kyle K. tells us about Don Blankenship running for the Repug U.S. Senate nomination in West Virginia (NSFW)…and I think it’s important to keep this in mind also (more here)…and I think Blankenship’s highlighting of the drug issue with Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao and family actually helps to trivialize it (and leave it to Drudgico, per Nate Silver here, to try and create a “horserace” where one doesn’t appear to exist)…

…and Farron Cousins gets in the face of those who still support our current occupant of An Oval Office (any actual numbers to support that “plenty on the left” claim, by the way?)...

…and given the lead video, I had this song very much in mind (can’t believe it’s 40 years old).

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