Monday, April 02, 2018

Monday Stuff

So I want to get this straight – President Fergus Laing kills DACA, started under President Obama of course, then walks away from a deal the Democrats in the Senate stupidly offered him which included his stinking wall (here)…but somehow it’s still the Dems fault that he no longer wants to do something about DACA (more here and here)?

The bottom line is that Generalissimo Trump and congressional Repugs will NEVER agree to DACA funding without making taxpayers pay for his stupid $21 billion “wall” (might not agree to DACA even with wall funding), primarily because DACA came from Obama, and aside from the wall, all they care about is doing everything they can to avoid further legitimizing ANYTHING from Number 44.

I know this is not front-page news, but it still bears repeating – Number 45 is a lying, delusional idiot - makes me recall this Trevor Noah clip…

...and Ana and Mark Thompson of TYT give us the latest on Scott Pruitt (yep, take the "P" out of EPA under this guy - Thompson's "garage" metaphor at about 7:08 is perfectly apt; an update is here)...

...and Chris Hayes tells us about the woman on probation who voted in Texas and didn't know she wasn't supposed to do that and was sent back to prison for 5 more years (here…yep – pretty damn appalling all right; yes, she did wrong as Hayes notes, but how about a little perspective?)...

...and I couldn’t resist bringing this one back (SNL w/ Melissa McCarthy last Easter as you-know-who)...

…and speaking of TV, RIP Steven Bochco; watching “Hill Street Blues” used to be an event – never had a desire to watch another cop show after that one because I don’t know how it possibly could be topped…

…and happy belated 70th birthday to Jimmy Cliff; despite it all, I think there will always be a place for this song.

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