Thursday, March 29, 2018

Thursday Stuff

I thought David Pakman made an interesting connection here between the wingnut justification for the NRA accepting donations from Russia and their apoplexy when Planned Parenthood accepts funding from outside sources also; typical conservative double standard…

…and Mike Malloy gives us a NSFW analysis on last Saturday’s marches – he puts it in kind of polarizing, racial terms, but I think he’s right, at least about white people losing what they view as their position of privilege – “it’s because of the guns,” indeed…

…and John and Ana tell us about PA’s U.S. House Repug Ryan Costello, who has decided not to run again (more here)…

…and the prior video touches on the ridiculous gerrymandering in our beloved commonwealth – here is more on that (and no, the Dems aren’t innocent either – it’s just that some Dems are amateur crooks and the Repugs are professional ones...great video from the CBC)…

…and yeah, though I admit it’s kind of an interesting argument, I think the claim for religious protection by the so-called “cannabis church” is going to go up in smoke – heh (as Mike Papantonio and Peter Mougey explain)…

…and speaking of religion, even though it isn’t Sunday, that doesn’t mean we still can’t go to church as far as I’m concerned (particularly since it’s Holy Week, for the faithful).

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