Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Wednesday Stuff

I give you yet another slice of life, if you will, from Donald J. Trump’s America (and yeah, I think the comment about “finally” being able to demonstrate that the “lady” in question is a racist a-hole is telling also)…

…and here’s another fine video from Robert Reich about the latest scam from our ruling cabal of crooks and frauds, this time on infrastructure…

…and Chris Hayes talks with Ben Howe and Annie Lowery on Generalissimo Trump’s typically ridiculous food stamp “box lunch” proposal (oh, and please remind me once more how allegedly awful Michelle Obama’s initiative for healthier foods in schools supposedly was – the remark at the end about this just being a way to make it harder to obtain nutrition assistance was spot-on; no constructive policy at all, just typical mean-spirited crap from our Tiny Handed, Treasonous Orange Dictator)…

…and this is about a week old, but David Pakman tells us how Number 45 and his buddies are still doing their best to utterly screw over Puerto Rico (harking back to infrastructure also)...

…and I thought this was a nice selection for Valentine’s Day…

…and for the opposing point of view, I give you this; may have to crank the volume a bit :-)...and no, I’m not trying to put down the #MeToo movement or anything by including this, which I’ve done for years…if we can’t look inside ourselves and laugh at our imperfections any more, then I really think we’ve gone around the proverbial bend.

Update: Dear God, not again (more you-know-what are on the way I'm sure).

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