Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Tuesday Stuff

I honestly don’t know what else we could have expected out of Generalissimo Trump on Afghanistan (here); I believe it was Rick Wilson who said that our preznit had the attention span of a gnat on meth – Dear Leader pretty much has struck out on everything he’s made a half-hearted attempt to do, and I would say that he’s keeping that string intact…

…and Rachel Maddow tells us about the hissy fit staged on Instagram by the wife of Steve Mnuchin, sandwiched in between a truly sobering reminder about this country and our ongoing involvement noted above (more here)…

…and Amy Goodman on Democracy Now talks with the descendants of Stonewall Jackson who want the Confederate statues taken down, particularly those of their great, great grandfather...

…the "the old gray lady" goes from #45 back to Reagan on related issues to see how race and tolerance were handled by prior presidents (re, Charalottesville of course...I’m glad they saved the Obama clip for the end, but there must have been something from #42 – surprised it wasn’t included)…

…oh, and by the way, just a minor detail I know, but it turns out that the Gropenfuhrer’s vacations are bankrupting the Secret Service…

...and here's a summer tune I definitely don't want to forget.

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