Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Wednesday Stuff

(Oh, and as long as I'm referencing Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao in the cartoon, I might as well pass this along also.)

TMR's Sam Seder tells us how that human stain Ron Johnson, Repug U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, said that people with pre-existing conditions are like crashed cars, or something…

…and Chris Hayes tells us that, yeah, it must be nice to be a Repug politician like U.S. House Rep Chris Collins of New York – I don’t know anyone who could drop about $17 mil and shrug it off like this (more here)…

…and awww, it looks like “Caribou Barbie” is going to sue The Old Gray Lady for making a direct connection between Palin’s rhetoric and the shooting of former congresswoman Gabby Giffords (here) in January 2011, among others who were wounded and killed including the 9-year-old niece of late Phillies manager Dallas Green – yes, the paper was wrong, but they retracted what they said…of course, the former half-term Alaska governor has no such impulse, as we know (and don't give me that "surveyor's symbols" crap either)…

…and Seth Meyers tells us that the “private prison” industry is rebounding under our Impulse-Control-Issue-Child-In-Chief – this should NEVER have been a “thing” in the first place, but once again, stand up and take a bow, all of you numbskulls who made sure we were stuck with President Big Orange Cheetoh (kind of a dig at the post office, though – hard to be funny all the time I know)...

…and I don’t know if this is the finest “Resistance” commentary Keith Olbermann has yet done, but it has to be in the top five at least…

…and after this tweet, I had absolutely no choice but to put up this video (heh).

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