Monday, April 10, 2017

Monday Stuff

I give you Repug Rep Jody Hice, who claimed that God believes America should be a white Christian nation by birthright, apparently (I guess Native Americans didn’t get the proverbial memo - more on David Barton is here)…

…and echoing that, Kyle K. tells us that the “fundies” believe that Generalissimo Trump was chosen by The Almighty – I wouldn’t be too sure of that (NSFW)…

...and K.O. tells us what we’d be looking at if we tried to stage a new election (and he’s absolutely right about voting out everyone in the “Trump party” until we get a chance to do that for real in 2020, assuming events don’t intervene somehow before then...and I don't mean a VIOLENT event, I hasten to add)…

…and what a pathetic joke that “Nooners” actually won a Pulitzer Prize (here…and how ridiculous is that comment about the alleged IRS Obama “scandal” given what’s going on with President Tiny-Handed Egomaniac…David Fahrenthold definitely deserves it, though – nicely done)…

…and Bernie Sanders reminds us once more of his plan for tuition-free college (and kudos to New York state for getting on board with that here)…

…and happy belated 70th birthday to Steve Howe of Yes.

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