Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Tuesday Stuff

David Pakman tells us about the Repugs and their latest scam to try and repeal the ACA…

…and you need an emergency appendectomy? TOO BAD, since you were dumb enough to buy that new iPhone a day or so ago, according to House Republican numbskull Jason Chaffetz (here...and an AWESOME related tweet from Jason Kander is here)…

…and here’s Rachel Maddow’s “A” block about Trump and some other shadowy character in Azerbaijan; once more, great stuff (more here)…

…and K.O. is back to warn us yet again about what President Tiny-Handed Egomaniac could yet concoct against us – the last minute or so is pretty damn scary; once again, heckuva job all of you clueless fools who helped to bring this nightmare to hideous fruition…

…and when all else fails, I know the Repugs can try that “community outreach” thing again to win hearts and minds, as they did here in 3/5/09 or thereabouts…yeah, you know it, you love it – time for another installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less)…

…and happy 50th birthday to drummer Randy Guss of Toad The Wet Sprocket (this should be the theme song for the “Trumpsters”).

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