Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thursday Stuff

So how many ways exactly is Neil Gorsuch, Generalissimo Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, a total disaster (and putting aside for a second the fact that, as Rachel Maddow among others has pointed out, why exactly are we considering ANYONE or ANYTHING from a White House that is under a confirmed FBI investigation)? Well, for starters…

…and this tells us about Gorsuch and Alphonse Maddin, a truck driver for TransAm Trucking who was apparently going into shock and acted to save himself but was fired anyway, a decision Gorsuch supported in his ruling…

…and yeah, I would say that the parallels are more than a little disturbing too (so many problems with Gorsuch, chief among those being that he won’t give a straight answer)…

…and kudos to Sen. Charles Schumer, who thus far has maintained a spine during the ruinous reign of Number 45, for this

...and it sounds like Tweety "found the nut" again on Gorsuch here - good job...

…and Seth Meyers tells us about other jobs Gorsuch has had (and a zinger with the last one - nice work)...

…and returning to Chuck Berry, he had a bit of a resurgence years ago owed in part to this movie

…and you’d better believe The Fab Four (Lennon in particular of course) credited Berry as an early influence.

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