Thursday, March 02, 2017

Thursday Stuff

Funny, but I don’t hear a lot of pontificating from Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III at the moment (oh yeah, what an alleged paragon of virtue to recuse himself from an investigation about Russia – if this were a Democrat, this person would be facing firing and a possible prison sentence for perjury, which is exactly what Sessions should be facing too…more here and here)…

…and David Pakman provides more analysis…

...and Shep Smith had better be careful here or else Fix Noise will send him back to "the factory" I'm sure, so they can drill those conservative talking points into his head for good (yeah, I guess some anonymous sources actually matter, if they’re from Number 45 of course – I’m not sure Chris Wallace was kidding when he asked Smith if he “like(d) it here”)...

…and Seth Meyers gives us his analysis of Number 45’s SOTU address, which I realize is a little behind the news cycle at this point (yeah, look how fast “No Corporate Tax” Pat Toomey leapt to his feet to applaud, and also, the “Gropenfuhrer” really should at least try to educate himself about Harley Davidson and look up that great clip by Lawrence O’Donnell that tells us that what really saved the motorcycle company was learning process improvement from the Japanese, such as fixing their leaky oil pans)…

…and K.O. is back with #40 – yeah, our Republican "daddies" sure want to keep us stupid and scared, all right (NSFW)...

…and did you know that yesterday was National Pig Day? Well, it was (and I know this song is a metaphor only – yeah, yeah, yeah :-).

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