Friday, March 17, 2017

Friday Stuff

I don’t think there’s that sophisticated of an explanation as to why Generalissimo Trump is such a clueless, arrogant, egotistical liar…and as K.O. points out, we’ve had plenty of warnings about this sort of thing from popular culture, TV and movies in particular (NSFW)…

…and Nomiki Konst comments on a Fix Noise poll where Bernie comes out on top – big surprise, though it IS surprising that he came out ahead of the “Gropenfuhrer” (though, with respect, I don’t think Bernie Sanders would have had as easy a time in the general election as Cenk & co. are alleging – took awhile to hear from Michael Tracey, but when he said something it certainly was worth it)…

…and yeah, I’m sure most of those “faith leaders” and evangelical sheep (including this guy apparently) are going to fall right in line for this monstrous fraud on health care perpetrated by the “party of Lincoln”…

...and it looks like "bathroom bill" McCrory is having a hard time finding a job...awwww - maybe he can apply in Texas...

…and let’s not forget that President Tiny-Handed Egomaniac is going to try and cram another one of his “deplorables” onto The Supreme Court…

…and speaking of Fergus Laing’s cronies, apparently AG Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III thinks pot is as bad as heroin – seriously

...and boy, does Sam Bee ever ask a great question here...

…and happy St. Patrick’s Day, everybody (I’m suddenly in the mood to watch “The Departed”).

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