Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday Stuff

Yeah, I would say that every picture tells a story, all right, as somebody sang once - easy to see who's the gentleman here and who isn't (and by the way, wingnuts, THAT is why Michelle Obama looked a little peeved – it had nothing to do with Melania’s gift)...

K.O. brings us #22 (a little behind of the Trump/Michael Flynn/Putin stuff I know, but still important to keep in mind)…

…and Robert Reich tells us about the infrastructure scam from President-Elect WATB (about what you would expect)…

…and Sam Seder talks to Matt Taibbi on buyer’s remorse for Trump (funny, but I never hear about “fake news” actually benefitting Democrats)…

…and when all else fails, there’s still ‘80s music (and with a timely message too).

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