Friday, January 13, 2017

Friday Stuff

Kudos to the U.S. Senate Democrats for standing firm against repeal of the ACA, which they should do anyway, but still credit where it’s due (and to say that Mike Enzi is a cretinous lying assh*le is the understatement of the new year – “responsible fiscal path”? “Out of control spending”? Mammoth national debt”? “Broken health care system”? Read this, you piece of shit – more here...and here).

And by the way, to learn more about rallies this weekend in support of the ACA, click here (and here)…

Update: Uh, yep (and this too)...

Update 1/14/17: Surprised?

…and I know I’m way behind on the stuff with the Repugs trying to steamroll the governmental ethics oversight office (here), but well done by all of those who stood up in response (and why is this not the least bit surprising?)…

...and I thought this was an interesting take by Thom Hartmann on congressional oversight of the Supreme Court, by the way (long but important warmup - gets to the meat of it at about 6:00, and Steve King of all people is behind it; you really have to worry about the "children of the corn" in King's district who keep sending him back to Washington every two years...and I hope Hartmann is right that it won't happen, but we didn't think "Fergus Laing" would actually win the election either, did we?)...

…and yeah, I understand the fact that some Dems facing re-election, including PA’s Bob Casey, made the calculation to oppose Bernie Sanders’s amendment to import cheaper drugs because they get some nice campaign contributions from the pharma bros (and that goes for Cory Booker and Tom Carper too), but their opposition still utterly stinks…

…and K.O. wonders what the hell President-Elect Big Orange Cheetoh will do about our epidemic of gun violence – do you really need to ask? And by the way, this is one of the best interpretations of the Second Amendment that I’ve ever heard...

…and you KNEW I wasn’t going to let go of this item from this week, didn’t you (yeah, isn't it a hoot to hear all of our Repug “friends” caterwauling about what could be fake news biting back at THEM, even though they had no problem sprinkling it, metaphorically speaking, all over HRC…? And NSFW by the way)...

…and 55 years ago today, comedian Ernie Kovacs was killed in an auto accident in Los Angeles – can’t tell you I was a huge fan, though he definitely was inventive and paved the way for others to follow…

…and I guess you could call this an almost obligatory tune for this day and date.

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