Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Tuesday Stuff

Kudos to Brian Stelter for these observations here on how those who make a living at this sort of thing should cover President-Elect Big Orange Cheetoh, though I guess it would have been better if we’d heard this earlier…and as far as lies go, I don’t know anyone who died because Number 44 mistakenly said you could keep your doctor, as opposed to “Mission Accomplished” (and speaking of the political/media/industrial complex, I thought this was well done by Rick Perlstein)…

…and I guess what Stelter is talking about contributes somewhat to the situation that Cenk and Ana discuss here (yeah, I guess it really is a head-smacking momentby Alysin Camerota, but should we be all that surprised by now?)…

…and yes, this stuff really is serious (NSFW)…

…and there are times when I need to hear these tunes as a bit of an escape, and this is one of those times.

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