Monday, December 26, 2016

Monday Stuff

I know we have to try and finish off the post-mortems of the Hillary Clinton campaign, but I thought this was a particularly good one from Cenk Uygur…NSFW; basically, the Bernie Sanders people were trying to help her and were rebuffed…unbelievable; probably the most damning commentary I’ve heard yet on what happened, and I can’t imagine how it’s untrue in any way – yeah, the Comey stuff and the Putin leaks were awful (as well as the Kris Kobach garbage and all the other stuff that went on since the Voting Rights Act has basically been gutted), but the campaign was digging its own metaphorical grave leading up to that…again, I don’t personally blame Hillary Clinton, but her advisers did a horrible job – as Cenk explains, they COMPLETELY missed the boat on what this election was all about…

…and Seth Meyers brings us the following on Trump and climate change (I know he’s trying to make some serious points with humor, but I think it’s getting harder for him to do that given what we’ll be facing after 1/20/17, and I don’t blame Meyers one bit for it - here)…

...and Chris Hayes talks with Dem Secretary of State Jason Kander of Missouri about the nominees from President-Elect Fergus Laing, including climate change denier Scott Pruitt (noted in the Seth Meyers clip also) to head the EPA (Two things: 1) Kander is absolutely right at the end over the betrayal of soon-to-be #45…the Repugs of course are partying now, but that will come to an abrupt end, and sooner than they imagine and possibly for good, and 2) Kander ran what was easily the BEST POLITICAL AD of the abysmal 2016 election season, which I’ll put up again soon – it turned what was looking to be a snoozer of a U.S. Senate race against Roy Blunt into something hotly competitive, and Dems everywhere should use that as a template for any political campaign from now on)…

…and with this, I bring down the curtain, as it were, for the seasonal tunes - hope everyone's holidays are enjoyable.

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