Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tuesday Stuff

I thought this was an interesting historical nugget from Rachel Maddow about the last time we went to “Defcon 3” and why that happened in 1973 (and I don’t know anything about HRC’s intelligence briefing, by the way)…

…and the Murdoch Street Journal is going to report this story in such a manner as to totally absolve Apple CEO Tim Cook of course of the scandalously low tax rate his company pays and blame the country of Ireland for allowing it, which I guess is partly justified; as far as I’m concerned, Cook is just another member of the “masters of mankind,” as Adam Smith once called them, who of course see grandiose visions only for themselves at the exclusion of everyone else (and yes, I recently saw this, which was well-done though depressing – not an excuse for inaction, though)…

...also, I give you the following from here (there are people who I respect claiming that "No Corporate Tax" Pat Toomey is somehow a moderate on the issue of guns - these people are utterly wrong...to help, click here - sad that the commercial is as long as the ad, by the way)...

…and The Fab Four played their last live concert in San Francisco, as noted here (not counting “Let It Be” on the roof, of course) 50 years ago yesterday (and the tune that follows is from Revolver, which was released at about the same time).

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