Friday, May 27, 2016

Friday Stuff

God, these comments about the border between us and Mexico from Sean Moran (sp?) are thoroughly sad (and Moran represents a UNION!).

How many damn times do you have to be hit over the head by Republicans before you realize that all they care about are wedge issues? Especially “The Donald” – do you HONESTLY BELIEVE that he cares about solving this issue in an adult manner? You know – by doing the hard work of trying to craft legislation on immigration reform in Congress between the two parties (actually, when was the first or last time you ever heard about Trump doing “hard work” about ANYTHING??!!).

Oh, and by the way, memo to HRC - it might be nice to actually take a stand on the DREAM Act (haven't heard her on this - love to be wrong)…

…and Cenk tells us about two hedge fund managers who, of course, give primarily to Repugs, but also gave to “Democrat” Rahm Emanuel, mayor of Chicago, as well as HRC – see, Rahm closed about 50 public schools to give these two pit vipers tax breaks, but that wasn’t enough to suit them; hopefully, a spit in hell each await Griffin and Simons, especially Griffin (and by the way, Jackson Pollock died in 1956)…

…and leave it to John Oliver once more to utterly skewer our primary and caucus system of electing political candidates (here)…

…and Thom Hartmann brings us economic and labor news for the week (the stories about the COOL law and worldwide unemployment are particularly noteworthy IMHO)…

…and somehow with all the Dylan stuff going on, I failed to note what would have been the 90th birthday of Miles Davis yesterday (still don’t feature as much jazz as I should, I know)…

…and happy 71st birthday to BRUUUUCCEE!! (the other one, that is - “Languid mandala of the ceiling fan” – killer lyrics and spoken verse for the mid-90s).

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