Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wednesday Stuff

(I also ranted a bit here.)

Umm, my answer to the question posed here is, ohhh, they’ve pretty much been off the rails since the election of The Sainted Ronnie R and the utterly ruinous movement conservative ascendancy.

(By the way, I've read a lot of well-meaning, intelligent people I admire bemoan the current state of one of our two major political parties, wondering what to do. Here's what I say; do to them what they'd do to us. By that I mean if they're drowning, don't toss them a life preserver. Toss them an anvil instead.)...

...and speaking of Number 40, here's a new ad from telling those in "the world's greatest deliberative body" to do their damn jobs ...

...and do you want to get back at U.S. Senate Repugs (including this guy) who oppose a hearing on Obama's Supreme Court nominee? Well then, support the people running against them (including this guy - don't quite understand the push-back from the city council president, or whoever that guy was)...

…and a hat tip to Gregg Whiteside of WRTI in these parts for this; Peer Gynt was first performed 140 years ago today – time for a bit of culture.

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