Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tuesday Stuff

Immediately after this report last night, Rachel Maddow interviewed CA Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom about that state’s plan to require a background check for ammunition purchases – I would say that the time for that idea has definitely come (I’ll spare you, dear reader, my indignation over kids killing each other with guns since your disgust over this is no better or worse than mine)…

…and Julianna Forlano sounds the alarm about the TPP here (call me just a filthy, unkempt liberal blogger, but wasn’t it under Dubya’s sorry reign that there was all kinds of caterwauling about this country being taken over by the UN and our laws being subverted and make obsolete by international rules and regulations? Well then, what the hell do you call this? And by the way, I don’t believe Trump for a minute, and I’m sure Forlano doesn’t either.)…

...and with both John Oliver and Mike Myers opposing him, Stephen Harper didn't have a prayer (heh - this is just an excerpt; the whole segment is funny of course...the “Sweet Caroline” thing has to do with Harper playing that tune for some band he was in, which was about as exciting as watching grass grow – also in the extended bit are clips of two kids falling asleep during Harper speeches, which was hilarious as well)...

...and I know I need to work in some newer stuff here, but I couldn't pass this up (Note to Republicans: This is called asking an artist for permission to use his or her song and not just using it because you think you're too good to obey the rules).

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