Thursday, August 06, 2015

Thursday Stuff

(By the way, don't be too shocked, but I also added what I think is a timely post here; knowing me, it's probably not hard to figure out.)

Yeah, I don't know why the hell the L.A. cops won't admit they're wrong either - and don't you just love the barely-veiled threat in the last sentence from their statement? (here). Regardless, their treatment of Ted Rall (both the cops and the utterly gutless management of the L.A. Times) stinks to high heaven...

...and I thought this was a good Thom Hartmann commentary on Bernie Sanders...

...and after this, I just want to say the following - WAY TO GO, NETFLIX!...

...and as noted here, today marks the 70th anniversary of the dropping of the A-bomb on Hiroshima; as I’d said before, I’m going against liberal orthodoxy I know to say that I think it was justified; I’ve read and seen many scholarly individuals like Oliver Stone contend that it shouldn’t have occurred, and while I don’t contest the history they present, I do contest somewhat their interpretation of it…anyway, here is a tune for the occasion (and Todd sings the "f" word a couple of times for emphasis).

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