Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wednesday Stuff

I’m not one of those people who hangs on every word of the SOTU address regardless of which party is occupying An Oval Office, but I had to admit that I got a kick out of this…

…et mais oui, Fox “News” est tres stupide pour mentir a moi, est vous, avec les frequence (I think I got this right)…

.....and changing the mood big time, Rachel Maddow tells us the significant impact the federal hate crime law has made in the prosecution of the murder of James Craig Anderson in Mississippi...

...and it looks like new Repug Iowa Senator Joni Ernst made a big impact with her base here, though her response was apparently lacking in the content department, which is typical – made me recall this tune (appalling beyond words that she's taking the U.S. Senate seat once held by Tom Harkin...wonder if he has second thoughts?).

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