Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday Stuff

(I also posted here.)

Joy Reid brings us what I thought was an interesting perspective on Columbus Day (and Dan Snyder continues to be an utter tool)…

…and John Oliver recognizes the holiday as only he can…

…oh, and you know that Ebola stuff that has been in the news lately? You know, the thing that we’ve known about for about oh, say, the last 40 YEARS BUT HAVEN’T COME UP WITH A VACCINE FOR YET BECAUSE OF BUDGET CUTS TO SCIENCE BY REPUBLICAN CONGRESSES??!!...

(Oh, and please spare the whole, “Hey libtard, you Dems were in charge from 2008 to 2010” nonsense. As if anyone could undo a decade of Republican Congressional f*ckups in 2 years…)…

…and once again, what say you on all this, Mikey the Beloved? And once more, cue the sound of crickets (and to do something about that, click here)…

...and while I'm on the subject, please click here to help keep this ad for Kevin Strouse on the air; to help out the campaign in the closing days, please click here (like to see something like this about all of Mikey's votes in favor of the shut down last year)…

...and don't blink, or you'll miss the ending of this one (not bad for an "unofficial" video).

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