Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday Stuff

I have to admit that I’ve been “behind the curve” a bit on this issue too, so I’m going to ignore the latest stupidity from the former half-term governor of Alaska, as well as the rants of a Seattle Seahawks football player, and concentrate on this instead…

…as well as this – Bill Maher asked on “Real Time” why West Virginia politicians don’t stand up and say let’s consider trying to develop some new business that isn’t going to poison us or potentially kill us like coal, and of course he was hooted down by “liberal” James Carville (I saw the show until Mary Matalin was introduced – I refused to pay attention to a certifiable liar)…

…and speaking of Maher, I thought he had some appropriate commentary upon his return here (and yes, NSFW)…

…and The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would have been 85 today (a prior related post is here…I’ll leave it up to you, dear reader, to decide how alive “The Dream” still truly is any more).

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