Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Tuesday Stuff (updates)

When I think of Elizabeth Edwards, I will think of moments just like this…

…and by the way, Mr. President, I think someone here is being “sanctimonious,” but it isn’t who you think (if I hear that Russ Feingold is mounting a primary challenge, count on me for a few bucks...more here)…

…as K.O. explains in his “Special Comment” (and by the way, for reasons that would take too long to explain, I ended up on the right-wing listserv of Richard Viguerie, and he sent an Email tonight with the following message – “Liberals, You Have Nowhere To Go”…gee, ya’ think the wingnuts are looking to capitalize on this?)…

Update 1 12/8/10: Gary Weckselblatt, Mike Fitzpatrick’s designated stenographer for the Bucks County Courier Times, cited the National Taxpayer’s Union today as a group that basically supported the Obama tax plan. I guess it was too much trouble to note that the group is bankrolled by Philip Morris (here...sorry, no link yet from that miracle of technology known as phillyburbs.com).

Update 2 12/8/10: Oh, so now it's threats, Mr. President? Taking a page out of the playbook of Former President Alfred E. Bush, are we?

…and once again, as a tribute to Elizabeth Edwards (a person who probably would be embarrassed by the outpouring of sympathy at this moment, though it is richly deserved), I’d like to put up this tune which has been running around in my head since I first learned of her passing.


Anonymous said...

The song for Elizabeth so appropriate. I wept when I heard she was stopping the medication as I know what that means.

She left with grace and dignity and leaves a legacy for her family and those who believed in her.

My heart is heavy, I so liked her.

doomsy said...

I know what it means when someone says "enough" to medication for a terminal illness also. I was hunting around for a tune that would be appropriate, and I thought this would be a nice remembrance from Eva Cassidy, a wonderful singer who also left us too early due to cancer. I'm glad you liked it.

I wanted to keep the picture of Elizabeth Edwards up on the front page for another day or so, but in case anyone kept clicking back to prior posts, I didn't want to make it inconvenient for them to have to keep scrolling down to the content. That may be a dumb reason, but I tried to make up for it with the '07 New Hampshire clip in particular.