Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday Stuff

I wonder if George Will realizes here that he ended up giving a voice to what the Republican Party, practically in its entirety, really think of jobless Americans (an unemployment check, poor substitute that it is for a paycheck for an actual job, sure as hell is "permanent income" if that's the only way the kids are going to be fed and the bills will be paid, some of them anyway)...

...and if I were disposed to talk to Will (and I can't imagine I ever would be), I might just ask the question posed in this song.


Anonymous said...

This puts a lot of divorced fathers at risk with the law if they do not go to court and get a modification based on loss of unemployment comp.

In PA unemployment comp goes direct to the children, and this is taking bread and milk out of the kids mouths, adding to the burden of the unemployed dads.

doomsy said...

Thanks for that important clarification - when stuff like unemployment extensions and Medicare/Medicaid are cut, it can hurt the kids probably more than the adults.