Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday Stuff

This is a big deal for local Philly sports fans, by the way, and I'm referring to the passing of WPVI Sports anchor Gary Papa; the synch is slightly off, but this is a nice remembrance...

...and I have to admit that I had a hard time trying to come up with a way to properly note that yesterday was the 25th anniversary of the murder of Denver radio talk show host Alan Berg by white supremacists (here), but I guess the most appropriate way to do it is to put up an excerpt of this Democracy Now! interview last October by Amy Goodman of James Ridgeway, author of "Blood in the Face: The Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nations, Nazi Skinheads and the Rise of a New White Culture" (pointing out, among other things, the way racism became more pronounced with Obama's candidacy...I always thought Berg's death was one of the milestones in the gradual rise of right-wing radio and media in general in this country, with many of its practitioners casually advocating violence and death against those they disagree with)...

Update 6/20/09: I think this is a cautionary column from Bob Herbert of the New York Times on this subject.

...I'll try to lighten things up now a bit with "Worst Persons" (House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Man Tan) first calls the stimulus "generational theft," but now applauds the "shovel-ready" projects funded by it - huh?; The California Repug Party hires a guy named Mark Anthony Jacoby to trick people into registering for them - and of course, what do we hear from the Murdoch Street Journal and other right-wing media in response, those who worked themselves into a froth over ACORN, who actually found out their own screwups and corrected them? Why, the sound of crickets, of course; but Jeffrey Smith of the Justice Department takes it for trying to keep video of an interview Deadeye Dick Cheney gave concerning the outing of Valerie Plame (CREW wants Smith to give the interview to prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, which he should)...and oh, Smith doesn't want the testimony "to end up on a late-night comedy show," huh? How about every left-wing blog in creation, then?)...

...and believe me when I tell you that I need this to try and "get me in the mood" for Sunday, given the awful weather and the even-more-awful play of your Philadelphia Phillies at the moment.

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