Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Tuesday Stuff

I thought this was an appropriate item from the Onion News Network, in light of some recent wacky rulings by The Supremes on "indecency" that I commented on here (and I don't think there's that much satire about the pundits here; might as well be a documentary for some of them)...

Study: Children Exposed To Pornography May Expect Sex To Be Enjoyable

...and if you're looking for wackiness, then it's time for "Worst Persons" (first up is President Obama, shockingly enough - yes, I'm a liberal and I can still criticize him - for screwing up the whole "cinco de mayo" thing...but for real, dude, this is bad news; and it wouldn't be "Worst Persons" with a nightly visit with Michele Bachmann, would it now...sounds like she should've been a panelist in the previous Onion spoof with this one; but Laura Ingraham takes it as she fills in for Billo and whines about why poor, put-upon Carrie Prejean with her pageant-pre-paid boob job isn't being befriended by the feminists while she shills for the National Organization of Marriage With Our Nice-Sounding Title Even Though It's Trying To Hide That We're All About Hating Teh Gay, OK?...uh, still waiting for that apology to The Dixie Chicks from you and that nematode Toby Keith - Meghan McCain can fend for herself here)...

...and on the occasion of the 90th birthday of Pete Seeger, he tells us a tale of northern racism in 1949 here...

...and by the way, speaking of you-know-who...

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