Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Stuff

(Posting is highly questionable for early next week into about Wednesday, by the way.)

Bill Maher returns to HBO tonight at about 10:00 EST, and it's going to be strange to watch him without Dubya as a foil any more (unless former President Stupid Head finds a way to worm his way back into the news, of course); here, Maher participates in an interview with then-candidate Barack Obama about faith and religion, also with Charlie Rose...

...and speaking of Commander Codpiece, here are more "Still Bushed" scandals (a couple in Morristown, NJ - and I have a feeling they were doing better than $55K combined before this all hit the fan; had to to live where they did - had to stop by an inter-faith pantry for baby food...more and more Dickensian this is by the day, people; world-class Repug House a-hole Darrell Issa of California - yes, I know name-calling is bad, but it truly fits in Issa's case - suddenly wants traceability of Obama's emails, even though he "scoffed" at such requests of Dubya by the Dems a year ago; and Richard Perle goes all humuna humuna humana over whether or not he helped craft the neocon foreign policy of pre-emptive war - he's so pathetic, despite K.O.'s bit of humor here, that I don't even want to waste precious calories getting angry at him)...

...time to rock with The Pretenders (since YouTube now includes the names of the videos in the songs - well, you can "play along at home" as they say)...

...and as a tribute to Kelly Groucutt of the Electric Light Orchestra, here's a performance of one of their legendary hits.

...Oh, and before I forget, here's hoping this guy does well on Sunday night at the Kodak Theater in LA (and I'm sure one of these people will receive a glowing tribute, but the other should be remembered also).

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