Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday Stuff

Hey McBush, try shutting your yap long enough to let Obama finish his sentence before you criticize him next time, OK (and by the way, to help get another Obama ad on the air, click here)...

...and here are some highlights of the greeting "Governor Hottie" received when she ventured to these parts on Friday to the Irish Pub so she could watch McBush and Barack Obama; she had Ed Snider in tow, and just as a reminder (with the NHL ready to start again in a few weeks, including the Flyers), here is more about some of Ed's pals (and how funny is it that Biden was all over the place on the networks after the debate and she wasn't; the Pub does good things to help Philly's finest so I won't slam them, but I have to admit that I'm disappointed that they let themselves be a party to this charade).

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