Wednesday, September 24, 2008

More Fiction From His Fraudulency

This story from Yahoo News tells us that George W. Milhous Bush (yes, he’s still around – 117 more inexorable days, give or take a few minutes) spoke as follows before the U.N. today…

Calling the threat from violent extremists "the fundamental challenge of our time," President Bush on Tuesday reminded the world's assembled leaders that "every nation in this chamber has responsibilities" in the battle with terror.

Speaking in a matter-of-fact tone, Bush seemed to understand that he was not speaking to a fully friendly audience. When the US president best remembered here for going to war in Iraq without a UN blessing spoke of "transformation in Iraq," the chamber remained silent. "Iraq and Afghanistan," Bush said, were "transformed from regimes that support terrorism to democracies that fight terror."
Memo to President Highest Disapproval Rating In Gallup Poll History: if everything is supposed to be so peachy, particularly in Afghanistan, try releasing the latest NIE when you’re supposed to instead of after the election (of course, as we know, it’s not as if you’ve never played politics with national security matters before).

And I guess John W. McBush, perhaps without saying it in so many words, believes that Iraq is “the central front on the war on Terra! Terra! Terra!,” so Afghanistan should take care of itself (or something); also, I don’t know how smart it was for him to try and weasel out of the Friday debate (here) over the market crisis; the thing he does best is miss votes, and I can’t see how that will impact the bailout plan one way or the other.

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