Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Tuesday Stuff

"The Pap Attack" tells us all about the PNAC crowd, the "pay no price, bear no burden" bunch...

...Sweet Mother of Abraham Lincoln! First Satullo "finds the nut" - and now Smerky too??!! Kudos to him, actually (now wait for the "other shoe to drop")...

...and by the way, Crooks and Liars tells us here that the Federal Marriage Amendment, which of course would ban gay marriage (an amendment I don't support, by the way - call me whatever names you want, within reason) was reintroduced this week; that's ridiculous enough, but two of the original sponsors were "Diaper Dave" Vitter and Larry Craig, so with that in mind, here's a "tribute" to Senator Wide Stance, who gets a mention in this spoof of Baba Wawa's book (long setup, I know)...

...and this has been cracking me up all day (h/t Avedon Carol)...

...and finally, how awesome is Russ Feingold anyway (h/t The Daily Kos).

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