“It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” – George Carlin
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Zeroing In On "Deadeye Dick"
Meteor Blades at The Daily Kos tells us here that Dem U.S. House Rep and Judiciary Committee member Robert Wexler is trying to move forward with impeachment hearings for Dick Cheney. The linked post contains phone numbers and other contact information for committee members.
(I have other issues with Dennis Kucinich, but I give him credit for keeping up the fight on this.)
And as if we need any more reason than that to contact the committee, I would ask that you watch this video.
Chris Matthews (not one of my favorite people) ran two film clips on Hardball some time back. The first clip had, it was Gloria Borger or Maria Liasson, interviewing Cheney where the host said to him:
"Well you said the Atta meeting in Prague was confirmed", at which point Cheney jumped in and said, "No, I never said it as confirmed."
Matthews then played a second tape of Cheney, on meet the Press telling Russert; "The meeting in Prague has been confirmed."
As to Bush claiming they never said Saddm had a hand in 9/11, maybe this is true, but scores of times they did cleverly align the name Saddam in the same sentence as the date "9/11", and the name Saddam they constantly aligned closely with the word "terrorist."
Dubya’s script was “Saddam Hussein was supporting terrorism, including nukes” (even though, in “State of Denial,” Rummy admitted that no one in Bushco really believed the part about nukes) and Cheney’s was “Saddam Hussein was linked to al Qaeda,” which gave Dubya the almost invisible cover of saying that he never alleged a link between Hussein and al Qaeda.
Yeah, Tweety is supposed to be “converted” now against Dubya, but all we’re seeing is the media talking heads trying to figure out which way the wind is blowing and play both sides of the fence (Scarborough is another one; he and Matthews are a little smarter than the typical Fox propagandists, I’ll give them that).
By the way (on an unrelated note), I’ve been meaning to note this in a post, but I haven’t really been able to find a way yet, but I check out the White House web site from time to time, and when you go there now, there’s a page that appears called “Setting The Record Straight” where they’re supposedly refuting all the “propaganda” out there against Bushco. I’ll note one example that illustrates their problem; they “refute” something along the lines of Bob Woodward claiming in “State of Denial” that Rice didn’t act on the August 6th, 2001 presidential daily brief titled “Bin Laden Determined To Strike In U.S.” by noting a New York Times story that provides a quote from Rice saying that Woodward is wrong; no follow up on actual fact, of course, but merely a reference to a contradictory quote. They’ve got what looks like a couple of hundred examples of stuff like this from this page. Not only is this regime unfamiliar with the law and the constitutional separation of powers, they’re also unfamiliar with commonly accepted journalistic practice.
Talk about a bunker mentality – I’ve never seen an outfit like this in my life, and I pray to God I never see one like it again.
"Talk about a bunker mentality – I’ve never seen an outfit like this in my life, and I pray to God I never see one like it again."
Sadly, the Congress, Dem and Repub, allowed Bush to set a precedent for the next President. And if anyone liked Bush, they'll love the authoritarian Rudy.
Interesting Wexler originally said he was going to push for the investigation, but seems to have backed off. Is there any thought of what the options are?
Perhaps you know of Dialy Kos members who may be interested in commenting at this diary: Do they think this is a viable option to open all the doors for the investigation?
Chris Matthews (not one of my favorite people) ran two film clips on Hardball some time back. The first clip had, it was Gloria Borger or Maria Liasson, interviewing Cheney where the host said to him:
"Well you said the Atta meeting in Prague was confirmed", at which point Cheney jumped in and said, "No, I never said it as confirmed."
Matthews then played a second tape of Cheney, on meet the Press telling Russert; "The meeting in Prague has been confirmed."
As to Bush claiming they never said Saddm had a hand in 9/11, maybe this is true, but scores of times they did cleverly align the name Saddam in the same sentence as the date "9/11", and the name Saddam they constantly aligned closely with the word "terrorist."
Dubya’s script was “Saddam Hussein was supporting terrorism, including nukes” (even though, in “State of Denial,” Rummy admitted that no one in Bushco really believed the part about nukes) and Cheney’s was “Saddam Hussein was linked to al Qaeda,” which gave Dubya the almost invisible cover of saying that he never alleged a link between Hussein and al Qaeda.
Yeah, Tweety is supposed to be “converted” now against Dubya, but all we’re seeing is the media talking heads trying to figure out which way the wind is blowing and play both sides of the fence (Scarborough is another one; he and Matthews are a little smarter than the typical Fox propagandists, I’ll give them that).
By the way (on an unrelated note), I’ve been meaning to note this in a post, but I haven’t really been able to find a way yet, but I check out the White House web site from time to time, and when you go there now, there’s a page that appears called “Setting The Record Straight” where they’re supposedly refuting all the “propaganda” out there against Bushco. I’ll note one example that illustrates their problem; they “refute” something along the lines of Bob Woodward claiming in “State of Denial” that Rice didn’t act on the August 6th, 2001 presidential daily brief titled “Bin Laden Determined To Strike In U.S.” by noting a New York Times story that provides a quote from Rice saying that Woodward is wrong; no follow up on actual fact, of course, but merely a reference to a contradictory quote. They’ve got what looks like a couple of hundred examples of stuff like this from this page. Not only is this regime unfamiliar with the law and the constitutional separation of powers, they’re also unfamiliar with commonly accepted journalistic practice.
Talk about a bunker mentality – I’ve never seen an outfit like this in my life, and I pray to God I never see one like it again.
"Talk about a bunker mentality – I’ve never seen an outfit like this in my life, and I pray to God I never see one like it again."
Sadly, the Congress, Dem and Repub, allowed Bush to set a precedent for the next President.
And if anyone liked Bush, they'll love the authoritarian Rudy.
Interesting Wexler originally said he was going to push for the investigation, but seems to have backed off. Is there any thought of what the options are?
Perhaps you know of Dialy Kos members who may be interested in commenting at this diary: Do they think this is a viable option to open all the doors for the investigation?
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