Sunday, October 21, 2007

More Like This Anyway

This is how Dem Rep. Pete Stark of California earned the wrath of Nancy The Nag and Sellout Steny a day or so ago.

I knew impeachment was off the table, but I didn't know righteous anger and showing a spine while standing up to Repug intimidation was also.

I guess Steny and Nancy had no trouble giving up their lunch money to the school bullies when they were little kids many years ago.


JohnW1141 said...

I was always a big fan of Pete Stark. He was smart, well informed and had a combative attitude toward the Republicans. Today I had to call his office in DC and tell them how utterly disappointed I was in his taking to the House floor this morning and apologizing for his remarks. If I didn't see it, I wouldn't have beleived it.
I spoke to Stark's man in a respectful manner, but I also added, I'm tired of seeing wimps in the Party.

doomsy said...

Good job to call Stark’s office and let him know about that; Nancy The Nag and Sellout Steny have their fingerprints all over this one, and I know they leaned on Stark here.

Also, I’m a little surprised (though maybe I shouldn’t be) that not too many people have mentioned the time that Bill Thomas, the Repug who recently chaired the House Finance Subcommittee I believe, called the sergeant-at-arms on Stark because Thomas thought he was being threatened, which is ridiculous partly because Thomas was a younger and bigger “man” but felt intimidated somehow by Stark, a Dem septuagenarian politician.

The Repugs insult Dems with impunity, particularly Incurious George, and the Dems continually take it. That’s why their approval ratings stink. Why the Dem “leadership” can’t seem to comprehend that simple fact is beyond my comprehension.

(Maybe they can try to grasp the following; by opposing the rubber stamp on the fraud FISA bill, Chris Dodd’s presidential campaign has taken on new life, and he’s raised about $200K over last 36 hours after his hold announcement, according to Ari Melber at HuffPo. I would say there’s a message there.)

JohnW1141 said...

The wimp factor may cause the Dems to return to minority status due to low turnout by Dems and Independents in 08.

I say that because Congress' approval ratings are lower than Bush's, in the toilet, and that is due to their losing support of the base and the Indies.