Saturday, November 11, 2006

"Steno Mike" Strikes Again

Just for the record, I should note that I attached the following comment to this piece of fluff from Mike Allen of Time Magazine in which he allows Karl Rove the chance to put the best possible spin on the fact that the Republicans lost Congress on Tuesday...

Here are the reasons why the Republicans lost control of Congress last Tuesday:

The failed execution of the Iraq war in which our government betrayed our service people for reasons that were lies to pursue WMD that no longer existed.

The revised FISA guidelines in which our government feels that they can spy on with impunity for 90 days, reporting only to a secret court.

The plundering of our government and entitlements in the name of reducing the estate tax.

The failure to fund embryonic stem cell research in the name of appeasing an intolerant and small cadre of fundamentalist “values voters”.

An equally intolerant Republican leadership that protected its own every way imaginable and demonized anyone who opposed them (so many examples, but the Mark Foley scandal was one where they thought it was more important to run an incumbent child predator than protect underage congressional pages).

The contractor fraud in Iraq and obscene energy company profits while most Americans struggle to keep their jobs, retirement savings, homes, and maintain a bare minimum of health care.

Approval of a Republican presidential administration that routinely disregards treaties (the NPT and Kyoto Protocols, for starters) as well as the Geneva Conventions.

The squandering by this administration of the Clinton-era economic surplus and decimation of our economy under Republican “stewardship”

Failure to fund and/or implement the 9/11 Commission recommendations.

Failure to raise the hourly minimum wage from the Dickensian rate of $5.15.

The farce that is Medicare Plan D, particularly the “donut hole.”

The continued existence of Donald Rumsfeld in the job of Secretary of Defense.

The failure to adequately prepare for Hurricane Katrina and its devastating aftermath (some blame goes to Louisiana for that also).

Publishing Iraq weapons secrets on the Internet in Arabic, including steps to making a nuclear weapon.

The “K” Street Project.

The fact that the Democrats, on the whole, ran better candidates (with the exception of Harold Ford - and by the way, why the hell is James Carville
pushing him to head the DNC over Howard Dean anyway? What kind of a "democrat" favors the permanent repeal of the estate tax?).

This is only a partial list, by the way. If you publish this, I will provide some more reasons later.
And as you can note from the story, the comment has not been published, and I don't expect that that will happen.

This is yet another example of our "liberal media" at work.

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