While we’re all preoccupied with whether or not Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie are friends again, and whether or not Scarlet Johansson is “promiscuous,” or whether or not Victoria Beckham (?) “looks awful naked,” or whether or not “The Runaway Bride” is going to sue her former groom-to-be (smart guy), I just wanted to know if anyone noticed that, because of Bushco’s total failure to try and manage North Korea, there’s a distinct possibility that that country and China could end up blowing the crap out of each other when China finally says enough of Kim Jong Il is enough and takes matters into its own hands.
I was also wondering if anyone realized that there’s also a strong likelihood that nukes would be involved in such a confrontation, since Kim, by all appearances, is crazy enough to do that (what other country would expect “congratulations” for conducting nuclear testing?).
And I was also wondering if anyone realized that, since this would be a clash between two totalitarian regimes, I would expect China to say that, well, as long as we’re going to blast North Korea and effectively eliminate them as a hindrance in the region, why not just go into Taiwan as long as were sort of in that neighborhood and settle that untidy little issue of that country wanting to be independent also?
And while China is thumbing its nose at the international community for all of this – this would hurt them politically and militarily for a time, though in the long run, they would likely end up even stronger than they already are – maybe Russia would seek to consolidate its ties with Iran for mutual protection? And what would India and Pakistan do in the event of all of this?
I’m sure Bushco would be just thrilled if China settled matters with North Korea in a way that would be favorable to this country, but what would happen if China did that in a way that wasn’t favorable?
You can call me crazy if you want, but I was just wondering.
Oh well, I now see that there’s some late-breaking developments at CNN concerning the “Brangelina” cab ride that nearly ended in disaster, so I’m sure more updates on that will follow.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming.
Update 1 10/11: What Atrios sez...
Update 2 10/11: The "straight talk express" derails again (hat tip to Atrios again).
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