Monday, May 22, 2006

The Waters Are Churning

As that noted philosopher Dave Edmunds stated one day (keeping to a musical vein again), “from small things mama, big things one day come” (though I have a feeling he was singing about something else…).

I ask that you keep that in mind as you read this letter that appeared in yesterday’s Inquirer.

Amid all of the newspapers' fine primary election coverage, I was surprised at the lack of prominence given to a sea change in suburban politics. Andy Dinniman's victory over Carole Aichele in the special election for the state Senate District 19 seat may have tidal-wave ramifications for the general election.

That Dinniman, a Democrat, can win a special election in what may be the most Republican county in the nation that is not part of Kansas, speaks volumes about the nation's ongoing mood swing.

If George W. Bush isn't already sweating, he should be. The voters of Chester County just sent him a loud message.

Charles Bauerlein
West Chester
This truly IS news. Dubya won Chester County by 11,000 votes in 2004 (that speaks volumes, unfortunately), and that area has also produced Jeff Gannon and some of the most odious Repugs and their sympathizers that you can imagine.

Yep, there’s no “movement,” is there? Not much there isn’t.

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