Friday, April 21, 2006

Dumped At The Pump

By the way, as we continue to drown in high gas prices (and seriously now, when has the price of gas NOT gone up before spring and summer?), I thought it would be a good idea to recall that the Iraq War was also sold to us, in part, as a means to keep the price of oil from rising out of sight (of course, like most everything else related to Bushco, that turned out to be a lie). And I give Sen. Charles Schumer credit for at least trying to stand up to this.

Some of these Friday funnies deal with that subject, along with The Defense Secretary We Have and the saber rattling over Iran (try to laugh anyway, OK?).

Update: Before she rose to network media prominence, she worked in this area as a legitimate reporter who was serially abused, professionally speaking, by former Philadelphia mayor Frank Rizzo. My, how times have changed...

Update 4/28: The Bushco beat goes on...

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