Saturday, December 17, 2005


They were both self-promoting grandstanders in their way (here and here), but they both made significant contributions that are sorely needed today.

I once read that Anderson drove J. Edgar Hoover nuts by, among other things, rummaging through Hoover's trash for information he could use in a column. Proxmire, of course, brought us his "Golden Fleece" awards also (a bit disingenuous at times, but it least it showed that someone was watching how our money was being spent).


marty said...

Some of Proxmire's Golden Fleece's were dead on -- total waste of money.

However, Proxmire also killed off much funding for research money to NASA, to such an extent that the US can now no longer land on the moon. This is not a gain.

doomsy said...

Yep, that was definitely a disingenuous part of his legacy. Thanks for checking in.