Thursday, October 13, 2005

Signing The Pledge, Part II

For what it's worth, I signed, and this was the reply from DFA (you can view some wonderful responses by people who signed from the "local" link below).

Thank you for signing the pledge. You can view other Americans like you who have also signed the pledge at:

Thank you for all that you do.

- The DFA Team

P.S. Here`s a sample email message to pass along:

Subject: Set the Iraq Agenda: Sign the Pledge

The war in Iraq began two years ago, on a promise of security -- and a web of deception. Now the mistruths have fallen away -- and we see a presidency, and American prestige, sunk in a quagmire.

The cost: almost 2,000 American lives lost. Over $300 billion spent. A growing tab for our children and grandchildren, in the form of the largest budget deficit in our country`s history. And for the Iraqi people, a stable democracy -- and peace -- remain nowhere in sight.

This is unacceptable. Take the pledge to send to Washington only those leaders with the courage to face the Iraq mess head-on.

(Here is the link to the pledge - sorry I didn't notice earlier that it hosed the right navigation column.)
And here is more on Dubya's latest photo-op-attempt-gone-badly yesterday.

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