Monday, October 24, 2005

Another Texas Idiot Speaks

Kay Bailey Hutchison (then…regarding Clinton’s impeachment)…

This has been a case about civil rights. It has been about the right of the weakest and the strongest among us to have equal access to our system of justice in order to pursue legal and Constitutional rights and to fix responsibility for alleged legal wrongs.
No, it was about Monica Lewinsky selling her “personal services” to a man who had a problem with keeping it “in his pants” and understanding the true nature of a conjugal relationship.


But we should all be thankful that our Constitution is there, and we should take pride in our right and duty to enforce it. A hundred years from now, when history looks back to this moment, we can hope for a conclusion that our Constitution has been applied fairly and survives, that we have come to principled judgments about matters of national importance, and that the rule of law in American (sic) has been sustained.
I absolutely agree, Senator. And what a pity that you didn’t apply the mindset and attitude that you describe in the following paragraph (regarding Rove and Libby and the outing of Valerie Plame) to Clinton, you pompous fool (link here).

I think we should be very careful here, especially as we are dealing with something very public and people's lives in the public arena. I do not think we should prejudge. I think it is unfair to drag people through the newspapers week after week after week, and let's just see what the charges are. Let's tone down the rhetoric and let's make sure that if there are indictments that we don't prejudge.
Kos and Atrios, among others, have been on this all day (with Atrios linking to this column on HuffPo from Alec Baldwin).

Update: Speaking of Texans, it looks like someone needs a sense of humor. I didn’t hear Clinton complaining when Bob Dole would campaign in ’96 and “Hail to the Chief” would play as Dole walked up to the podium to give a speech (and taking on “The Onion”? How petty can you be? Maybe I’d better not ask.)

Update 10/25: Here's more from the great people at Media Matters who are truly doing God's work.

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